Over the past several months I’ve been reading less and living more.  This doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped considering spiritual and philosophical matters – quite the contrary.  There have been seemingly endless discussions on these subjects with friends and family and I find that over and over again the ideals of Buddhism appeal to me more than any other system.  It’s difficult, if not impossible, to find fault in compassion and wisdom.  The so called “big questions” seem largely irrelevant to me now.  I just don’t care where we came from, or what happens when I die.  Perhaps that’s wisdom, or maybe a bit of blissful ignorance, but it’s very comforting to no longer be concerned with these things.  I still find them interesting intellectually, but they don’t bear the weight that they once did.

We have no control over what happens after we die.  Those who believe they know what happens, only do just that – believe.  Those who say nothing happens are themselves making an assumption.  You can choose to live your life based on a possibility, or just live, and I choose the latter.

Where we came from, if there is a God, and all such related questions are equally unimportant.  The fact is that we are here, conscious of our surroundings, and interacting with them and each other.  Since we know that to be true, then logic would dictate that we should attempt to make the best of our situation.  How does one make the best of their situation?  That is an important question, and one I will discuss in a future post.

Written by Scott

Just me.

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